Friday, April 20, 2012

Herbalism: 2

A second contact with the Deva of Verbascum olympicum  for clarification on Herbalism: General.

1. What are the primary tools for cultivation and upgrading of a plant species?

2. What are the primary characteristics of a plant species when assessing it's usefulness to the human kingdom?


1. To unlock the full benefits of this plant we must pay heed to the Law of Reciprocity.

2. It is vital that non commercial interests come to the rescue of certain plant species.

3. We must analyse the conditions in which the plant naturally grows for soil composition, rainfall, light and shade during the growing season.

4. We must first replicate natural growing conditions before scientific analysis can take place.

5. Planting in  "ideal" conditions excludes elemental forces which otherwise would contribute to etheric growth patterns which support the physical structure.

6. Protection from the elements eliminates the need for adaption and consequently weakens the strain.

7. To understand a plant's subtle energies and it's physical plane cultivation one must cooperate with those who's natural home is on the subtle planes.

8. Psychic faculty should not be treated as a curiosity but as a means by which whose who live on subtle planes can be contacted, for constructive purposes.

9. Verbascum olympicum will not cure diseases in its current form until it's subtle bodies have been adjusted. This is a long process.

10. In the past, man failed to keep his bargain with nature to make reparation to a plant species for any benefit received. This has resulted in the loss to our current age of many of the benefits our forefathers took for granted.

11. It'll take a long time before the benefits lost can be restored, but there is a temporary solution which is to be the subject of another message, once the principles by which nature shares it's bounty is thoroughly understood and assimilated by those who's task it is to aid in this restoration.

The Message:

"The plant you are looking at is now under cultivation for it's medicinal properties but these are only a few of the benefits it holds in store for the human race should they pay heed, in their desire to obtain it's healing properties, to the Law of Reciprocity already outlined to you in your previous communication.

"The first act of the human kingdom in relation to any plant species is to be that of preservation. Without preservation there is a danger that commercial interests will overwhelm the very resource it is trying to benefit from to the point where the expected harvest no longer suffices for the purpose intended. It is vital therefore that non-commercial interests come to the rescue of all species that yield their blessings to the human kingdom and accept the challenges of personal and commercial cultivation.

"It is not necessary to grow vast swathes of such plants in the ways applicable to commercial operations but to familiarise ones self with the nature and requirements of any given species to the point where the following questions can be answered accurately:

"Where for instance does a given variety of a plant species make it's appearance under natural conditions beyond the reach and interference by man. What then are the conditions of the soil in which it naturally grows; the natural rainfall in that area and the prevailing conditions of light and shade as the sun passes by in it's daily trajectory during the growing season applicable to the genus under consideration?

"You cannot know, apart from the chemical composition of the soil, what other factors of a subtle nature operate in any area of natural growth and must assume optimum conditions and seek their replication before further scientific analysis can take place. It is not good enough to plant a seed in soil which experiments have shown give the best results in a laboratory as such conditions are protective, and exclusive of elemental forces which otherwise would contribute to the etheric level growth patterns which support the physical structure and help it adapt to environmental circumstances not encountered in intensive cultivation methods.

"With this overview in mind I can now address your fundamental questions on the cultivation of this species. It is not necessary to mollycoddle it as I think the saying goes. Protection from the elements has the result of eliminating the need for adaption to the point where the strain is weakened to the point where it cannot survive in harsh conditions in which it formally flourished. This will result in loss of species should the area of commercial cultivation with its approximate nutritional value become untenable at some point in the future.

"Now to the subject of subtle energies. One cannot, without the vision of the etheric sub planes, determine these by experiment on the lowest sub planes of solid, liquid and gas. Instead one is forced to rely on the good auspices of those who's natural environment is precisely those etheric sub planes which at the current state of human development are hidden from the vast majority of the human species and which will not reveal their secrets to direct scrutiny for many millennia to come.

"It is incumbent therefore that any cultivation on the physical plane be conducted in cooperation with those of us who's task it is, not just to preserve and advance the welfare of a given species, but to educate those who, by their own decisions and intentions, undertake such work as part of their acceptance of their own intended role within the planetary sphere.

"Contact with beings such as myself is becoming more prevalent as members of the human species adapt their thinking on the so called psychic impressions they receive, and grow to see them not as interesting curiosities they can demonstrate ad nauseum to their friends and colleagues but as embryonic tools in need of further development prior to their usability in service of Divine Purpose.

Now to the primary characteristics of Verbascum olympicum, a genus within the species Mullein. It will not cure diseases in its current form nor will it provide sanctuary for those insect varieties which are its natural beneficiaries until it has undergone certain physiological changes resulting from the necessary adjustment of those subtle bodies which support it. Those subtle bodies themselves rely on the sacrifices of other plant species and those again on yet others. You can now see the difficulty with which the human species is faced and the work it has to do if it is to realise its dream of perfect human health.

"No task is easy, my brothers of the physical realm, as your mythology with its challenges and disciplines prior to the glory of success should have told you millennia ago. What nature requires of you is effort on it's (natures) behalf before you can reap the harvest of your own desires. This was not always the case and there was a point in the dim and distant past when all one had to do was pick a plant for personal use on the promise that, within the current lifetime, reparation to that species would be made in the way I have just outlined to you. But as with most human promises, few were kept until, millennia of years later, the benefits which were easily at hand to bygone generations have now to be reestablished by dint of backbreaking effort and incident failure before they can be enjoyed by generations, millennia hence.

"But all is not lost: the world you know would soon grind to a halt if this were the only way to ensure the health of the human kingdom. Nature, or deity if you prefer, had seen this scenario in the making and has laid contingency plans by which a temporary restoration of the healing benefits of plant species can be resurrected, as it were, to prime the pump of human involvement in the rectification of its own destiny. But that I'm afraid is a subject for another lesson on this subject as it is important for the principles by which nature shares its bounty, and the demands it makes on those who benefit, to be thoroughly understood and assimilated by those who's destiny it is to bring about this change, in incarnations to come.

"I am the Deva Lord of the plant before you and wish you well in your further investigations."

Friday, April 13, 2012

Herbalism: General


The Law of Reciprocation demands that when we take from the plant kingdom to satisfy our own needs we must make reparation to that kingdom either by cultivation of the plants we destroyed or by upgrading that kingdom in some way.

Verbascum olympicum

The Message:

"I am of course the Deva of the plant before you and am here to give you any information you require. But I have been told that this is your first attempt and, as yet, you have formulated no questions in your mind so, all I can give you at present is an overview of what information you can expect from me and others of my particular status.

"I, of course, am a Deva of a plant species and not an Overlighting Deva in any way(i). My function is to oversee the development of this particular species and offer its benefits to those who seek them, based on the principle of fair exchange. Those who, for instance require the healing benefits this plant can provide must ensure that what is destroyed in the healing process is reestablished by personal effort - either in terms of cultivation or by a system whereby the species as a whole can be elevated. There are many ways to achieve such ends with some more applicable and beneficial than others, but whatever the beneficiary receives from the plant (or any other) kingdom he is expected to become its benefactor under the Law of Reciprocity.

"Now, I can see that this has taken you by surprise. Just when you thought you would get some practical information that would help you in your quest for herbal knowledge you are confronted by abstraction you had not anticipated and which seems irrelevant to your purpose. But this, I assure you, is the way to progress and why, incidentally, the human kingdom has yet to make the strides in non-toxic use of plant remedies it is anticipating. The key, as you now know, is Reciprocity and, with that thought planted firmly in your mind, I will leave you until you have further questions for me."


(i) The rankings of Devas are as follows, starting from the top:

  • Overlighting Deva: of the Earth itself, of a Kingdom of Nature. 
  • Deva Lord: of a Plant Species, of an Animal Species, of Nature Spirits - Pan, Herne the Hunter for example.
  • Deva Prince: of Mountains, of Forests. 
  • Deva of the Presence: of Rivers, of Lakes of Earth Energy configurations. 
  • Deva of the Shadows: of individual Trees over seven feet tall, of Energy Vortexes, of Ley Lines.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Orders of Nature: Nymphs


1. The Nymph is a Nature Spirit who is developing integumentary sensitivity prior to entering the human kingdom.

2. The human female, rather than the male, is to develop tactile sensitivity as a Speciality Sense, above and beyond that of her other senses, as a means of extended service.

3. Nymphomania as a concept is a perversion of the reality lying behind certain (often accurate) observations of the human condition: it is simply an example of a female who is blessed with advanced tactile sensitivity but who 'specialises' in coital pleasure. She should not be criticised or ostracised by society for simply acting as nature intended.

4. The Emphatic and the Empath are other examples of integumentary sensitivity but is not necessarily indicative of Nymphomania.

5. The Satyr is a predator intent on gaining power over his victim and is not the male equivalent of the Nymphomaniac.

The Message:

"The hands of the Nymph are the most sensitive part of their anatomy, quite unlike their portrayal in legend. They are the exemplars of the power of touch to the extent that they are able, should the need arise, to navigate their environment using this sense alone. The tales of erotic encounters and the danger therein have been much exaggerated by the fevered imagination of mankind. They are not, as has been transmitted through the ages, a moral hazard nor a mortal threat to the sons of man. Their function is to develop sensitivity in a certain area prior to their taking incarnation as human beings but that sensitivity, although heightened in their natural state, becomes the common sensitivity of the average human entity once they have made the transition for which life in the etheric realm is a preparation. In their natural state they are of course sensitive in all areas in which tactile sensation is possible and this has given rise to speculation of the crudest kind. But taken in the round they are the prototypes of the human integumentary system in terms of its impact on consciousness.

"You have been wondering about their male equivalent. I'm afraid I must disappoint you in that respect for the male of the human species is required to develop sensitivity in other areas than touch. Yes, the human male can enjoy the delights of tactile sensation but he cannot (or will not) develop along those lines.

"The human female is far more sensitive to tactile stimulus than is the male during the current epoch and is intended to develop this further as time progresses. Eventually will emerge a response to physical stimulation which will lead the human female into hitherto unrecognised areas of contact beyond the physical realm to the point where she can move within the realm of substance at will, simply by attuning to it with her heightened sense of touch and, at the behest of her own inner daimon, make the transition from one area of experience to another.

"I hope with the publication of this information some progress will be made within the human kingdom towards a more considered and less hysterical approach to the subject of other-worldly beings in general and Nymphomania, as it has come to be called, in particular. Further, I would like to add one final caveat to the preceding information. At no point is it intended that the human species should develop its Speciality Sense, as it is called in higher circles, at the expense of other means of contact with environmental conditions, but simply to accept that sensitivity is, to those for whom it is intended, an opportunity for service in advance of that which would otherwise be possible.

"I wish to thank you for your interest in this subject and hope you will make my response available to those who can appreciate the subtleties of it's exposition. I am the Deva Lord of Tactile Sensation and wish you well in your particular endeavours.

Another being comes through with further explanation:

"We have just made an important transition in our conception of how the universe is structured. What we have discovered is that, prior to the human state, single areas of sensitivity are developed by what we call pre-human entities. The human race, then, is the first kingdom in a long progression wherein all five senses are operative at a functional level from the perspective of Divine Intent and wherein self determination becomes a possibility.

What is the significance of the Deva's reference to Nymphomania?

"Nymphomania as a concept is a perversion of the reality lying behind certain (often accurate) observations of the human condition and attaching itself to male and female alike. But the fact remains that in the eyes of nature the Nymphomaniac, so called, is nothing more than an exemplar of tactile sensation and lives in a state of wonder at her capacity for pleasure in this area. The fact that, at the present time, more emphasis is placed by some on the pleasure of coital satisfaction has given rise to a skewed perception in the public mind of a phenomenon which has wider implication. The Emphatic, the Empath and all others who's psychic perception relies on a heightened sense of touch also fall into this category, not necessarily as nymphomaniacs but as beings who have realised the nature of what it means to be a human female and are consciously attempting to develop in this area.

"The Nymphomaniac as she is currently understood is to be viewed simply as a specialist in integumentary sensation in a particular area and should not be criticised or ostracised by a wider society for acting simply as nature intended, but instead be respected for her knowledge of that particular area of human interaction with the environment in which all of us find our place.

What of the Nymph-chasing Satyr?

"Yes, there is a male equivalent of the Nymphomaniac but this is not it. The Satyr is a predator and not remotely interested in sexual pleasure except as a form of power over his victim. He sees penetration as a symbolic conquest and not as a means of mutual satisfaction. The exact male equivalent to the Nymphomaniac has so far escaped the scrutiny of the established order and should not, if inadvertently discovered, be subjected to public scrutiny."

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Superior Beings

"You may grovel, you may cry, you may turn summersaults in the long grass but you will not get me to appear without a certain sense of dignity and humility."

1. Beings superior to man govern planets, stars and galaxies but are accessible to those of humanity who have prepared themselves to pursue their Divine Purpose.

2. The leadership of our planet is governed by a triplicity, informed by an ensouling entity. Through this triplicity the Planetary Spirit teaches his subordinate kingdoms.

3. Teaching is cyclical: it comes and goes as do the seasons. We are in the Spring of our spiritual awakening but this awakening is bought at the expense of Higher Beings who sacrifice themselves on our behalf. Our resurrection is their crucifixion.

4. Superior Beings are already amongst us in physical form. They look as we do but can be recognised by the quality of their contribution to their field. They have great personal self control in the face of adversity, can see both sides of an argument and have extraordinary ability to bring peaceful resolution. They are magnetic and can draw those to them with whom they wish to work.

5. Recognition of these Great Beings and our willingness to work selflessly with them will bring it's rewards. With them we will tread the path of spiritual return.

The Message:

"The subject of Superior Beings is a difficult one. We are used to some whom religion has named but for the most part they are remote figures with whom we have little connection save through the practice of religious devotion. There can be no understanding of the vast scope covered by the term Higher Being without a realisation of how the universe operates and under what hidden laws it functions. To grasp this issue we must look to the heavens and see above us the vast array of interstellar objects from planets to stars to those vast storehouses of esoteric energy we recognise as galaxies. Each of these great presences within our stellar vision is the product, the thought form, the act of service of some great being who's level if perception lies so far beyond the realm of human reason as to be, for all intents and purposes, incomprehensible, inconceivable and unknowable. Yet, if truth be told, they are accessible even to the humble aspirant on the physical plane should he make himself available and ready himself to pursue his Divine Purpose.

"The leadership of any objective phenomenon from the humble human being to the vast array of stars which whirl together in perfect harmony before the eyes of our astronomers is governed by a triplicity, informed by an ensouling entity. Thus we ourselves are governed. Not of course by whips or chains but by our very presence within the love and duty of the Heavenly Father who presides over what we know as our physical planet. He is the Ancient of Days, the Youth of a Thousand Summers, the Great Kumara of the Hindus and it is he who teaches, through his Great Disciples, the products of his Great Creation - every kingdom in nature.

"Those who have watched the Earth through countless eons of it's history tell us that teaching is cyclic. It comes and goes as do the seasons. When it comes, we have the Summer of man's understanding and, when it goes, the Winter of his ignorance. I, and those who watch this process, can tell you that the Spring of your awakening is upon you and as sure as the heaving earth of Spring gives way to the lazy days of Summer so too will come the pinnacle of your understanding and achievement. This of course in the spiritual sense.

"But nothing happens without purpose and nothing is achieved without sacrifice. You, for your Spring, rely on the Autumn of others as they descend towards what for them is the approach of Winter. The joy of your resurrection in the spiritual sense is bought at the price of sorrow of those who leave their high plateau of spiritual achievement for the crucifixion of service on your behalf. Never forget this, people of the Earth, your resurrection is bought by another's crucifixion.

"Now to the subject of Superior Beings. They are already amongst you. It is not for them to make themselves known to you but for you to raise your vibration so that they may become visible to you. This is not some abstract statement of esoteric significance: it is a physiological fact. You can see them already, and many of you have, without realising the nature of your encounter. They are physical beings just as you are and are willing to give advice on virtually any subject a human being is likely to ask for it is long ago since they passed though the strictly human stage and have learnt well the lessons of the physical plane. But you must contact them and that requires recognition, not on their part, but on yours. Do not from henceforth address your human collegues with the question of spiritual status in a humorous attempt to get a surprising answer, but study your fellow men and seek only those who have a measure of self control which reaches far beyond your own. Notice those who speak in measured terms and see both sides of any argument. Nor will they use abusive language under provocation but deal with any adverse situation in a calm and peaceful manner. Note also that they are magnetic and can call an individual to them without making a sound. They have no morality as you understand that term as they have left such emotional considerations behind long ago. But look instead for amicable solutions for seemingly intractable problems. They are peace makers above all else for the energy of love lies within them and that love honours all traditions and addresses all honest needs.

"Finally I would say this: if you can recognise one of these Great Beings and assist them in their task upon this planet without a thought of self you will find, once your act of service is complete, that you and they are one and the same and will tread the path of spiritual return together when the time for that reunion is ripe. That is all I have to say to you and wish you all well in this and future generations.

I am the Lord of Civilisation, the Mahachohan of the Hindus and the Cosmic Christ of the Christians. With that I leave you to your contemplation of greater things to come. May God bless you all and keep you from the way of degradation and sorrow."
We'll continue the subject of Superior Beings as the nature of future contribution recommends itself.


This blog is intended as a repository for messages and teaching coming from the Celestial Sanctum. The Celestial Sanctum is a notional place beyond the physical plane where beings of higher achievement than Man live and function as we do here and from where they journey on their various paths of service. In some instances this involves communication with human individuals in incarnation for the purpose of teaching them and others with the intention of raising the level of human understanding in esoteric matters. These messages are not intended as instructions on how to live our lives but to give a practical overview of the nature of reality as viewed from a higher perspective than is normally accessible.

The mechanism and method by which these messages come is relatively unimportant. What is important is that they come. If we find ourselves indignant at the nature of their content or view them as the work of the devil then we should pass on to those who meet with our approval. If, on the other hand, we are able to think independently of our emotions and are prepared to consider the content of these messages simply as interesting hypotheses devoid of moral or ethical weighting, we are welcome here. This is to be a place of harmony and peace where one can reflect on what is said and, where clarification is necessary, ask questions.

Those who are familiar with the principles of Theosophy in general and the writings of Alice Bailey in particular will be familiar with the basic terminology used here. But there are others we will use which are either borrowed from other traditions or are entirely new to us. What matters is not which terminology we use but it's resonance within us to the point of conveying important truths.

We currently cannot prove the veracity of these statements: we simply have no option but to add them to our fund of theoretical knowledge in the hope that they will help rather than hinder us in our search for truth, or, if it's our inclination, to reject them as something which lies beyond the bounds of reason and therefore useless for our purpose.

Esoteric teaching comes in dribs and drabs. Through a modicum of theory, tips, hints, cogitation, meditation and experimentation, understanding comes.

Subjects we hope to cover are:

1. The apparent emergence of superior beings on this planet.

2. The Orders of Nature and their basic function.

3. The Principles of Esoteric Herbalism.

4. The human Body of Manifestation and it's implications.