Sunday, April 8, 2012


This blog is intended as a repository for messages and teaching coming from the Celestial Sanctum. The Celestial Sanctum is a notional place beyond the physical plane where beings of higher achievement than Man live and function as we do here and from where they journey on their various paths of service. In some instances this involves communication with human individuals in incarnation for the purpose of teaching them and others with the intention of raising the level of human understanding in esoteric matters. These messages are not intended as instructions on how to live our lives but to give a practical overview of the nature of reality as viewed from a higher perspective than is normally accessible.

The mechanism and method by which these messages come is relatively unimportant. What is important is that they come. If we find ourselves indignant at the nature of their content or view them as the work of the devil then we should pass on to those who meet with our approval. If, on the other hand, we are able to think independently of our emotions and are prepared to consider the content of these messages simply as interesting hypotheses devoid of moral or ethical weighting, we are welcome here. This is to be a place of harmony and peace where one can reflect on what is said and, where clarification is necessary, ask questions.

Those who are familiar with the principles of Theosophy in general and the writings of Alice Bailey in particular will be familiar with the basic terminology used here. But there are others we will use which are either borrowed from other traditions or are entirely new to us. What matters is not which terminology we use but it's resonance within us to the point of conveying important truths.

We currently cannot prove the veracity of these statements: we simply have no option but to add them to our fund of theoretical knowledge in the hope that they will help rather than hinder us in our search for truth, or, if it's our inclination, to reject them as something which lies beyond the bounds of reason and therefore useless for our purpose.

Esoteric teaching comes in dribs and drabs. Through a modicum of theory, tips, hints, cogitation, meditation and experimentation, understanding comes.

Subjects we hope to cover are:

1. The apparent emergence of superior beings on this planet.

2. The Orders of Nature and their basic function.

3. The Principles of Esoteric Herbalism.

4. The human Body of Manifestation and it's implications.

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