Sunday, April 8, 2012

Superior Beings

"You may grovel, you may cry, you may turn summersaults in the long grass but you will not get me to appear without a certain sense of dignity and humility."

1. Beings superior to man govern planets, stars and galaxies but are accessible to those of humanity who have prepared themselves to pursue their Divine Purpose.

2. The leadership of our planet is governed by a triplicity, informed by an ensouling entity. Through this triplicity the Planetary Spirit teaches his subordinate kingdoms.

3. Teaching is cyclical: it comes and goes as do the seasons. We are in the Spring of our spiritual awakening but this awakening is bought at the expense of Higher Beings who sacrifice themselves on our behalf. Our resurrection is their crucifixion.

4. Superior Beings are already amongst us in physical form. They look as we do but can be recognised by the quality of their contribution to their field. They have great personal self control in the face of adversity, can see both sides of an argument and have extraordinary ability to bring peaceful resolution. They are magnetic and can draw those to them with whom they wish to work.

5. Recognition of these Great Beings and our willingness to work selflessly with them will bring it's rewards. With them we will tread the path of spiritual return.

The Message:

"The subject of Superior Beings is a difficult one. We are used to some whom religion has named but for the most part they are remote figures with whom we have little connection save through the practice of religious devotion. There can be no understanding of the vast scope covered by the term Higher Being without a realisation of how the universe operates and under what hidden laws it functions. To grasp this issue we must look to the heavens and see above us the vast array of interstellar objects from planets to stars to those vast storehouses of esoteric energy we recognise as galaxies. Each of these great presences within our stellar vision is the product, the thought form, the act of service of some great being who's level if perception lies so far beyond the realm of human reason as to be, for all intents and purposes, incomprehensible, inconceivable and unknowable. Yet, if truth be told, they are accessible even to the humble aspirant on the physical plane should he make himself available and ready himself to pursue his Divine Purpose.

"The leadership of any objective phenomenon from the humble human being to the vast array of stars which whirl together in perfect harmony before the eyes of our astronomers is governed by a triplicity, informed by an ensouling entity. Thus we ourselves are governed. Not of course by whips or chains but by our very presence within the love and duty of the Heavenly Father who presides over what we know as our physical planet. He is the Ancient of Days, the Youth of a Thousand Summers, the Great Kumara of the Hindus and it is he who teaches, through his Great Disciples, the products of his Great Creation - every kingdom in nature.

"Those who have watched the Earth through countless eons of it's history tell us that teaching is cyclic. It comes and goes as do the seasons. When it comes, we have the Summer of man's understanding and, when it goes, the Winter of his ignorance. I, and those who watch this process, can tell you that the Spring of your awakening is upon you and as sure as the heaving earth of Spring gives way to the lazy days of Summer so too will come the pinnacle of your understanding and achievement. This of course in the spiritual sense.

"But nothing happens without purpose and nothing is achieved without sacrifice. You, for your Spring, rely on the Autumn of others as they descend towards what for them is the approach of Winter. The joy of your resurrection in the spiritual sense is bought at the price of sorrow of those who leave their high plateau of spiritual achievement for the crucifixion of service on your behalf. Never forget this, people of the Earth, your resurrection is bought by another's crucifixion.

"Now to the subject of Superior Beings. They are already amongst you. It is not for them to make themselves known to you but for you to raise your vibration so that they may become visible to you. This is not some abstract statement of esoteric significance: it is a physiological fact. You can see them already, and many of you have, without realising the nature of your encounter. They are physical beings just as you are and are willing to give advice on virtually any subject a human being is likely to ask for it is long ago since they passed though the strictly human stage and have learnt well the lessons of the physical plane. But you must contact them and that requires recognition, not on their part, but on yours. Do not from henceforth address your human collegues with the question of spiritual status in a humorous attempt to get a surprising answer, but study your fellow men and seek only those who have a measure of self control which reaches far beyond your own. Notice those who speak in measured terms and see both sides of any argument. Nor will they use abusive language under provocation but deal with any adverse situation in a calm and peaceful manner. Note also that they are magnetic and can call an individual to them without making a sound. They have no morality as you understand that term as they have left such emotional considerations behind long ago. But look instead for amicable solutions for seemingly intractable problems. They are peace makers above all else for the energy of love lies within them and that love honours all traditions and addresses all honest needs.

"Finally I would say this: if you can recognise one of these Great Beings and assist them in their task upon this planet without a thought of self you will find, once your act of service is complete, that you and they are one and the same and will tread the path of spiritual return together when the time for that reunion is ripe. That is all I have to say to you and wish you all well in this and future generations.

I am the Lord of Civilisation, the Mahachohan of the Hindus and the Cosmic Christ of the Christians. With that I leave you to your contemplation of greater things to come. May God bless you all and keep you from the way of degradation and sorrow."
We'll continue the subject of Superior Beings as the nature of future contribution recommends itself.

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